NYC Phantoms
New York is a haunted city. The people who have lived and died here, the events of decades and centuries past, fill the streets but go unnoticed. NYC Phantoms brings those spirits back to life. NYC Phantoms creates the illusion of the phantom of Edgar Allan Poe on the steam that rises from the City's streets. Pedestrians are heckled by Poe and, alternately, an image of a raven. The project encourages passersby to engage with something they usually avoid and creates a magical and haunting New York nighttime experience. Watch the demo video, see the image gallery.
Deal with the Pigeons
Pigeons are everywhere in New York and we often ignore them. We consider them to be pests, contributing nothing to our environment, sometimes referred to as “rats with wings”. But we must learn to coexist with other species, we do not live in isolation. A Deal with the Pigeons is an art installation for Washington Square Park that encourages us to interact with the pigeons, to rethink the relationship between humans and animals and to reconsider the space each deserves. It is a way to give pigeons a stage in the city of New York. Watch the demo video, see the image gallery.
Amazing Interactive Memory Machine
The Amazing Interactive Memory Machine (AIMM) is a site-specific vending machine that dispenses memories. Designed for Coney Island, visitors are invited to choose a memory by pressing a button. With each press, listeners have a new opportunity to hear stories from other New Yorkers, stories about things that have changed or that persist despite change. At the conclusion of each story, a souvenir receipt prints out. Listeners can contribute to the machine by calling and leaving their memories on a voicemail system. AIMM offers a personal perspective of an historical place and an opportunity for unexpected experiences. Watch the demo video, see the image gallery, listen to the stories.